Congresso Internacional do ICON-S em Madri, 8, 9 e 10 de outubro – Apresentação de nosso grupo de interesse sobre Neurodireito e Direitos Humanos

Congresso Internacional do ICON-S em Madri, 8, 9 e 10 de outubro – Apresentação de nosso grupo de interesse sobre Neurodireito e Direitos Humanos

08 de julho de 2024


Interest Group


Neurotechnology has been developing at an extraordinarily fast pace, offering countless benefits to humanity. This speed and quantity of benefits brought by Neurotechnology is enhanced when it is associated with Artificial Intelligence, which has raised ethical-legal questions about its impacts, considering the possibility of putting at risk the rights to physical and mental integrity, privacy, and identity, with repercussions that may even involve discriminatory treatment and even alter human nature itself. This is a situation that requires an urgent response from the Law. Some international organizations, such as the OECD, UNESCO and the OAS, have approved some documents, but without binding effects. At the state level, Chile is the only country in the world that has changed its constitution to protect so-called neurorights. In this context, this group aims to be a space for academic debate on the legal regulation of advances in Neurotechnology, with the aim of building ethical-legal parameters that can assist in the protection of neurorights, in order to guarantee a balance between the indispensable respect for human dignity and the unstoppable advancement of science.

The proposal is an initiative of the International Network of Neurolaw and Human Rights, created in October 2022 and composed of researchers from the University of Fortaleza (Brazil), the Universidad Austral de Chile and the Universidad Externado de Colombia, who have been working on this topic since 2020, with support from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development – CNPq, a Brazilian federal research support agency.

The group meets monthly in a semi-presential manner to discuss the progress of the research (every first Wednesday of the month at 4:00 pm, Brasília time). Generally, researchers from other Institutions and Areas of Knowledge are invited. Every year, in October, we organize an international congress and publish a book with the conferences. In addition, we organize several interdisciplinary events, seminars, workshops, etc. The languages used are Portuguese, Spanish and English